
What Does kVA Mean on a Solid-State Generator?

What Does kVA Mean on a Solid-State Generator?

There are many ways to express and label units of power and electricity. Sometimes you see watts, volts, amperes, or amps, and other times, you see kVA. What is kVA, and what does it mean on a solid-state generator or other similar devices?What Does kVA Mean? Simply...

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Why Aerospace Companies Use Frequency Converters

Why Aerospace Companies Use Frequency Converters

Different regions throughout the world use various levels of frequency. However, the worldwide standard for aerospace and aviation remains at 400hz. Using 400hz as a global standard is essential because the higher frequency helps aircraft save on fuel and have a...

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50Hz vs. 60Hz Frequency: What Is the Difference?

50Hz vs. 60Hz Frequency: What Is the Difference?

When you’re looking at designing a power system, you’ll often find references of 50Hz and 60Hz frequency systems. Both are popular systems for producing power, but you’ll need to learn the differences between them to make educated decisions for your own systems. To...

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Tips for Reducing Noise in Your Converter

Tips for Reducing Noise in Your Converter

Electrical noise is typically caused by a change in a device’s voltage or current that results in fluctuations. Whether the noise causes the voltage to rise or fall, these changes are often minimal and pose little threat. However, larger amounts of electrical noise...

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How To Troubleshoot a Frequency Converter

How To Troubleshoot a Frequency Converter

Many businesses that utilize technology internationally incorporate frequency converters. A converter is an integral part of day-to-day business and converts electrical frequencies from one to another to use devices safely between different regions. If you notice any...

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3 Simple Ways VFDs Save Money and Energy

3 Simple Ways VFDs Save Money and Energy

Variable frequency drives are available as AC, DC, and Servo drives. These different drives work for both small and large compressors. In fact, they are essential in the function of compressors. If you are a part of the frequency converter world, consider how VFDs...

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The Most Common Myths and Misconceptions About VFDs

The Most Common Myths and Misconceptions About VFDs

If you’re interested in a variable motor drive, or VFD, then you may have some misconceptions floating around in your head. Let’s dive a little deeper and debunk common myths about VFDs.Myth: VFDs Equal High Costs A common misconception about VFDs is that they’re...

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